The smart sprinkler water timer lets you water by the minute, hour, and specific days of the week; no need to reset even if the signal goes beyond the scheduled time. The rain delay function allows you to postpone watering for 24, 48, or 72 hours due to rain; meanwhile, the manual watering function will switch from automatic to manual watering through the Inventsmart App or at the push of a button without interruption. Programmed schedule; suitable for palm trees, vegetable gardens, and potted flowers. In the Inventsmart App, turning on the smartphone’s Bluetooth is only used to connect the device and operate the preset timer. There are no additional various smart controls. It’s the perfect outdoor watering timer for drip irrigation, sprinklers, hose faucets, or rain barrels. The connector is made of 30% reinforced nylon material. The faucet timer comes with 2 1.5V AA batteries and can run for up to 6 months. A true water and power saver; includes a full 2-year warranty and a 60-day money-back guarantee for your complete satisfaction.
Bluetooth Smart Sprinkler Water Timer with Rain Delay Filter Washer Programmable Irrigation Timer
Category: Other Devices
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